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Showing posts from March, 2019

A Review of "Impeccable Petunia Part II: The Two Tails"

Introduction When author Katie Christine submitted Impeccable Petunia Part II: The Two Tails to me in exchange for an honest review, I wondered what it might be like to read a book entirely from a chicken's perspective. When I was younger, I read the Warriors series by Erin Hunter, which all take place from the eyes of cats, and I imagined that it might be similar to those books--and, in fact, it was, to my delighted surprise! I absolutely adored this book and all of its charming, witty, humorous triumph. Although it is the second book in the Impeccable Petunia series, I had no problems at all reading it as a standalone. My Rating:  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Synopsis: "As The Two Tails opens, the flock confronts a spiral of death and disappearance. Ensnared by a rapacious raccoon and desperate for a way out, Petunia, the backyard chicken, must throw herself at the mercy of the dark, open road with little more than gumption, a pair of useless wings, and a dubious companion as h...

A Review of "The Shadowverse"

Introduction When author John-Clement Gallo emailed me and asked me to review The Shadowverse , he mentioned that he'd found me by reading my review of Control Freakz by Michael Evans  and offered a free .mobi file in exchange for an honest review. I was excited to dive into this alternate reality superhero fiction, as it's one of the first books of its kind that I've been able to review, but there were several issues that I feel need to be addressed in order for my review to be accurate. My Rating:  ★ ★ ★ Synopsis: "Regarded as 'captivating' and 'one-of-a-kind', The Shadowverse is a Science Fiction Superhero thriller with hints of the Young Adult genre. It is a story of destiny--that no matter who you are, where you are, or what your past is like, you can always achieve greatness. Johnny Sparks longs for a greater purpose. After an encounter with a mysterious stranger, he and his friends are imbued with incredible powers--at last gi...

A Review of "An Unfortunate Dimension"

Introduction What a wild ride this was! An Unfortunate Dimension by author Dominic Shunker was given to me as a .mobi file in exchange for an honest review, and as I haven't reviewed a race-against-the-clock novel in quite some time, I was pleased with the exciting plot and creative worldbuilding!  My Rating:  ★ ★ ★ ★ Synopsis: "An Unfortunate Dimension is a psychological thriller with a twist you'll never see coming. Salvador is thrown into battle and intense laser fire. He doesn't know how he got here or why, and that's just one of his problems. He's been experiencing a sort of dimensional schizophrenia, jumping into bizarre scenes past, present, and future. Is the universe messing with him, interfering with his only goal, to bring his wife Jemma out of their coma? He grows sure Jemma is trying to communicate a solution from her dimension, trying to tell him how to save her, to bring her back round. She tells him to look for signs, fin...